Book 1
The Perfect Mother by Aimee Molloy
Chapters link to book here
This book I saw and read the description of when I was "window shopping" on chapters website one day it wasn't out yet but low and behold it was at the store the other day and I had to get it.

Book 2
The Bad Mother by Amanda Brooke
Chapters link to book here
This is also a book I bought the other day and thought If I am reading about the perfect mother might as well read about the bad one too. haha!
Book 3
Into The Water by Paula Hawkins
Chapters link to book here
This is by the bestselling author who wrote Girl on the train the reason I bought this book was really because the cover drew me in. I'm a sucker for a good cover.
Book 4
The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
Chapters link to book here
This is a book I have had for a while now and just haven't started reading it yet. I in the past have been way into teen fantasy fiction I'm big on easy readers so we will see how this one is.
Book 5
Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult
Chapters link to book here
I have had this book for a couple months now and I think I started reading a couple pages of it but haven't gotten into it just yet I have read one other Jodi Picoult book and it was pretty well written so I had bought this one thinking that I was able to get through the other one I should be able to get through this one.
So there it is my summer reading list fingers crossed I can do this! Wish me luck!
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